We Are Magicians

The law of attraction is the theory that our thoughts and emotions generate energy. Every moment we spend thinking and feeling something, we add to that particular field of energy. Over time, the energy condenses until it takes on a primal thought form – a mental blueprint. And once the blueprint is created in our … More We Are Magicians

Compassion Isn’t Just Something We Feel For Other People

The Queen of Cups has been showing up a lot in my readings lately. Often referred to as the ‘Mother Card’, she represents nurture and compassion. Strangely enough, even though these are the qualities I would like to develop in myself and receive from others, I have never been able to empathize with this card. … More Compassion Isn’t Just Something We Feel For Other People

Following Your Intuition Is More Logical Than You May Think

In today’s hyper-modern world, where science dominates all other schools of thought, being logical has become the same thing as being right. This idea has a tendency to lead towards an attitude of mistrust towards intuition because the two are seen as polar opposites. This is a deeply flawed concept that has produced much emotional … More Following Your Intuition Is More Logical Than You May Think

The Art of Tarot

Divination works through intuition. It’s not a science, but it is an art. Many people are mistaken about the nature of science and art. They reduce the two to stereotypes and believe that science is pure logic while art is limitless freedom. Reality, however, is a bit more convoluted. In truth, the two are inextricably … More The Art of Tarot